Monday, March 31, 2014

Unallocated space drive

Utilizing the Unallocated Space Drive

Recently I faced a problem: when installing windows7 on my desktop system, I was able to create maximum of 4 logical drives and some unallocated space left behind, I tried to extend the unallocated disk space to a drive but it was failed.
After completing the installation, I started working on it, got the solution:

Select Computer(MyComputer) icon and right click on it :


 Now select Manage option:        You can find unallocated disk space in black box.


 Now select the disk space(Suppose driveE) which is beside the unallocated disk space and right click on the drive(E).

Click on Extend volume to extend the disk space with unallocated space by specifying the amount of space volume.

 Now the task is completed so simple. Try it. Suggestions Welcome!

Anjani Prasad